Tree Harper & Friends of Frances


The 2/1/25 Friends of Frances Saturday work party is postponed until Saturday 2/8/25.

Also, the 4/5/25 Friends of Frances Saturday work party is postponed until Saturday 4/12/25.

Tree Harper's annual

but you can still donate to
help buy trees!

The top vote-getting,embarrassing beard + face paint style was worn by Mr. McKim Monday December 12/16/24.
The winner is ... Jaws Shark!
(see picture below)
$820 was raised to buy trees!
Thank you to all!

This just in: late donations came in after the beard deadline and helped us BREAK the RECORD!
Total is $1,870! 

three quarter view

Above is Mr. McKim wearing the winning beard/face paint style: Jaws Shark.
Thank you to all donors and supporters!

You can always donate by credit card at the Harper Webstore 
or with cash or check in an envelope to the Harper Office.

Harper Webstore link

2024-25 Beard+Face Paint Choices:
Pac-Man, Jaws, Spider, Butterfly
4 Beard Choices

FINAL Vote Tallies for 2024-25
Fund Razor VIII
Updated as of 12:00 midnight 12/14/24  - the deadline!

Beard Style Vote Tally Ranking
 Spider (repeat of 2019-20 winner) 230  2nd
 Pac-Man 185 3rd
 Butterfly 160 4th
 Jaws Shark 245 1st
Total funds before 12/14 deadline
$ 820
 Total funds as of 12/21   $1,870   new record!

QR code for school webstore
Harper Webstore link

The Details! The Deadline! The Record to Break!

1 vote = $1. Typical donations are between $5 and $20.
The single donation record was set in 2023-24 at $395 from one donor at the very end of the contest!
Our annual goal is to buy and plant 10 trees. We have always met our goal! We have planted 235 trees since 2007! That is 72% of all 326 trees on our campus.
At current prices, depending on approved species and sizes, we need about $1,500 to buy ten trees and associated supplies: stakes, tree tape, snacks for volunteers!
The top voted style will be worn one school day was worn on Monday 12/16/24 if total donations because total funds raised were less than $1,000.
The beard would have been worn for two school days Monday 12/16/24 and Tuesday 12/17/24, if donations  had been between $1,000 and $1,537 (our fundraising record set in 2023-24).
It would have been worn for three school days,  Monday 12/16/24, Tuesday 12/17/24, and Wednesday 12/18/24, if donations had been over $1,700!
Donations are accepted at any time, but did not count toward the voting process if received after the deadline of midnight Saturday 12/14/24.
The record for "after deadline donations" was set in 2024-25 with a single donor contributing $1,000!

Mr. McKim as Seneca Crane
Mr. McKim sporting the winning "Seneca Crane"  beard for Tree Harper &
Friends of Frances' 2023-24 Fund Razor VII - over $1,500 was raised to buy trees!

Final Results of 2023-24
Fund Razor VII (last year)

Beard Style Final Vote Tally Ranking
 Seneca Crane from Hunger Games 722  1
  Two Flowers 718  2
 Moustache Wave  82  3
 Waves & Fish 25

 Total Donations Received  $1,537  

Read below! You can also follow us on Instagram at
Use this QR code below:

QR Code for Tree Harper Instagram

Scroll down for a video link, descriptions, more pictures, our business partners,
and info about our Fund Razor (a beard-based fundraiser)!

Mr. McKim gardening


More about Tree Harper - an ASB Club
and Friends of Frances - a community organization:



Check out this 5 minute video produced by Calfire for more info on
Tree Harper and Friends of Frances! 

Tree Harper:

All Harper students, 7th , 8th , & 9th graders, are invited to help with campus beautification using sustainable practices, thoughtful arboriculture, and hands-on horticulture. We are responsible for planting 233 out of Harper's 324 trees - that's 72% of the trees on campus! Student volunteers have designed and maintained more than 10 specialized garden beds and tree groves since 2007!
***Service hours available for scouts, church groups, sororities, fraternities, etc...***
Tree Harper volunteers meet Mondays in Mr. McKim's room G-48 during the first 10 to 15 minutes of lunch to plan future events and make decisions. These volunteers then meet again after school on Fridays in G-48 from 3:30 to 5:00 to do work such as planting, propagating, painting, masonry, mulching, cleaning, etc. Students do not need to sign up. Just show up! Students do not have to attend every meeting - just show up when your schedule allows - yep! athletes can complete their seasons and drop back in! Families can contribute by donating snacks and drinks. Student favorites are Goldfish crackers, granola bars, protein bars, Fruit-by-the-Foot, chocolate, fruit, bottled water and Capri-sun drinks.

Friends of Frances - a community organization

Volunteers, teachers, students, scouts, and community members comprise Harper's campus-care group titled Friends of Frances. We do the same work as Tree Harper - see above. We meet 8 times each school year for Saturday work parties from 8 am to 12:00 pm at Harper. Dates are listed below. Partial attendance is welcome.  All community members, any age, are invited. 
***Service hours available for scouts, church groups, sororities, fraternities, etc...***


Plant seeds, plants and young trees (certain species), large and small pots and saucers, used tools, new tools

Monetary Donations: direct these to Tree Harper ASB Club via Ken McKim [email protected]

Gift Card Donations:

Davis ACE Hardware, Nugget Market, Home Depot, Lowes Questions? Donations? Contact Ken McKim at [email protected]

Friends of Frances Dates for 2024-2025:

(If weather requires rescheduling, make-up dates may be needed and will be added to this space on this website page).    All dates are Saturdays – time is from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Partial attendance is great!

Fall       9/7/24      9/28/24       10/19/24         11/2/24  postponed to 11/9/24

Spring  2/1/25  postponed to 2/8/25
/5/25  postponed to 4/12/25

Local Business Partners:

Community Mercantile,
nonprofit 501c3
[email protected]

Kent Tree Removal, 
(916) 868-8509
[email protected]

Consider Donating!

Please consider donating $ to buy our campus more trees!
Navigate to this website's Resources page, then Webstore, then click on the Tree Harper donation tile.
If the tile isn't viewable, use the search bar for "Tree Harper Donations"

We also accept donations of materials, tools, trees, plants, and more! email Ken McKim at [email protected]