
Harper Counselors

Welcome Back, Huskies! We are so excited to be your counselors this school year and to get to know each of you. If you have a concern, please don't hesitate to let us know. Students can visit their counselors before school, during lunch, or after school.   

Note for parents:

If you wish to speak with your student's counselor, please be sure to contact your child’s counselor via email so that counselors can make an appointment.

We Believe...

  • In meeting the needs of the whole child.
  • All students should have equal access and opportunity.
  • In providing critical support by connecting students to resources within and outside of the school system.
  • All students contribute to the diversity of the school community and have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
  • All students can achieve.
  • In nurturing resilience.
  • In advocating for our students’ unique developmental needs.
  • Every student should feel a sense of belonging and connectedness to their school.
  • In collaborating and partnering with students, parents, teachers, administrators and the community
Course Catalog
2024-2025 Junior High Catalog

2024-2025 Junior High Catalog in Spanish (coming soon)

2023-24 Junior High Catalog

2023-24 Junior High Catalog in Spanish

DJUSD Board policy allows up to ten credits for courses from other accredited institutions on the DJUSD transcript with notation of where the course was taken. This could be a one semester college course, for example, or two semesters of high school level courses. A notation of P will be made if the course has been preapproved as college prep by UC/CSU for "a-g" credit. The policy went into effect June 15, 2012, without regard for any previous non-DJUSD courses taken. All non-DJUSD courses must be completed by the end of fall semester of the senior year. 

Incoming 8th Grade Resources
Incoming 8th Grade Presentation 2024 (English)

Spanish coming soon!

Incoming 9th Grade Resources
Incoming 9th Grade Presentation 2024 (English)

Spanish coming soon!
Incoming 10th Grade Resources
In case you missed the videos from the 2024 9th Grade Celebration:

9th Grade Celebration Slideshow

9th Grade Celebration WEB Video
Other Resources
Coming Soon

Lizette Torres

 Ms. Torres

8th grade students (Class of 2029) last name M-Z and all 9th grade students (Class of 2028)
[email protected]

Jackie Orozco

Ms. Orozco
All 7th Grade student (Class of 2030) and 8th grade students last name A-L (Class of 2029)
[email protected]

Social Emotional Support
If you need Social Emotional Support, please visit the DJUSD Social Emotional Support Page for resources, and to access the Social Emotional Support Referral Form. Referrals are confidential and are forwarded by email to the administrative team in the Student Support Services Department. Only those individuals with a need to know will be informed of the referral. All referrals will be responded to within 24 hours or the next school day.