9th Grade Athletics

Harper Freshmen, do you want to participate in sports at Davis High?
Check out the Davis High School Athletics Website for more information
Davis Senior High School uses a digital platform to sign up for athletics. Please find the link below to register for a team.
Site to register for DSHS Athletics grades 9-12: www.homecampus.com
- Choose California as your state
- Click on register to set up an account
- Use your school email address and create a password
- Click on "Start Your Clearance Here"
- Click on this school year and Click on Davis Senior High School as the school
- Select a sport you are interested in signing up for
- Complete the student information page
You will need to have a physical dated after June 1, 2024 before you can register for 2024-2025 DSHS Athletics Seasons. If you have trouble getting an appointment with your doctor, you can also go to Davis Urgent Care for an appointment.
Harper Freshmen, do you want to participate in sports at Davis High?