Student News
It is Spirit Week
Spirit Week is next week and we will have our first rally of the year Friday!
Monday, dress how you would at an airport and wear your comfiest clothes.
Tuesday, it’s Nike vs. Adidas day so wear whichever one you like more!
Wednesday, it’s teacher/student swap day! Dress as any teacher on campus!
Thursday, it’s meme day! Dress as one of your favorite memes.
Friday it’s Grade Color Wars and the rally! Seventh graders wear blue. Eighth graders wear either grey or black. And ninth graders wear white.
Tree Harper and Friends of Frances' annual fundraising event: Fund Razor!
Give a gift to the Harper JHS Campus! And embarrass Mr. McKim! Funds buy trees that students care for. Go the Webstore and donate to Tree Harper's Fund Razor VIII. Or take cash or checks to the front office. Go to the school website and see the beard styles that won in the past! Deadline for donations to count toward the beard contest is Saturday December 14 at midnight. Vote tallies as of Monday 12/9/24 at 10:00 am: Tied for 1st: Spider & Jaws, 2nd: Butterfly, 3rd: Pac-Man
Parent News
Early Dismissals and Absences
If your student will be absent or leaving early, please let us know as soon as possible. Please help us minimize classroom interruptions by letting us know in the morning if your child is leaving early. Thank you! 530-757-5330 x101.
If a student will be absent or leaving early, a parent or guardian must call the school at 757-5330 ext 101, email [email protected],or present a note to the attendance office with the following information:
1. Student’s legal name and ID number
2. Date(s) of absence
3. Reason for absence
4. Parent or guardian phone number
5. Parent or guardian signature
If no reason for absence is stated in voicemail or note the student will be marked unexcused.
If we are notified in advance of a student leaving, the student can sign out and meet you out front.
Short Term Independent Study
If you will be traveling for the Holidays, please consider doing Short Term Independent Study.
For planned absences of one or more days, the school offers Short Term Independent Study through the Davis School for Independent Study (DSIS), 757-5333 x362. DSIS needs at least one week notice prior to the first date of the absence. Please request STIS as far in advance as possible to allow teachers time to put a packet together. Short Term Independent Study Request Form. Contact Samantha Amescua, [email protected], with any questions.
Harper Dismissals
Harper 7th Grade Basketball
at Holmes
Boys play first
Wrestling at
2:45pm dismissal
Harper 7th Grade Basketball
vs Lee
Boys play first
Tree Harper First 10 Mins at Lunch in G-48 every week
D&D Club in A-2 afterschool
Book Club in J-54, 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month
Gaming Club in G-49 at Lunch - every other week
D&D Club in A-2 afterschool